My CV Critique Part 1 / 4


My CV Critique Part 1/4

Hi Candidate

This free CV evaluation is intended to give you an honest,  straightforward assessment with some suggestions to help in your job search. I personally review hundreds of CVs each month so I'm able to provide insight into how you compare to other job seekers competing for the same positions .

Visual Presentation and Organisation

We've all been told that looks don't matter as much as substance, but in the case of your CV this just isn't true. I found your design to be visually uneven. The appearance is not polished, and it doesn't say "high potential" as your experience suggests. Remember that your CV is your marketing tool.    It's the first impression a potential employer has of you.

 Always Visual Presentation and Organization Substance trumps looks or at least that's what you have been told. Visually uneven designs like use of too many bullet points, size and type of bullets being used, although seemingly minor, are vital in creating a positive first impression.

However, your use of bullets is splendid! They help the employer zero in on important pieces of information, and also break up long sections of text. At the same time, you shouldn't have too many bullets that they make your CV difficult to read!

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